Thursday 5 August 2010

Council House For Life Under Threat

David Cameron has said he wants to see the end of 'council housing for life' to enable the most in need the right to a proper home.

In what would be the most radical reform in housing since Margaret Thatcher introduced the 'Right to Buy' 30 years ago, the Prime Minister said security of tenure for council tenants could be entirely scrapped.

Instead, they would be given a lease lasting five or 10 years, so that their homes could be given to people in greater need if they in the meantime found a better job or could afford to move and rent in the private sector.
So, let me see if I understand this properly.
You put in a lot of hard work and spend your hard-earned money on lovingly decorating your home, then along comes a council official to tell you to pack up and move because there's a family of illegal immigrants/work-shy layabouts/drug-using scumbags (take your pick, or add one of your own) who need your house more than you do!  
I dread to think what is coming next.
Full story can be found here

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